Situated in a pleasant, leafy setting in Lake Macquarie, Wiripaang Public School has 198 students organised into 10 classes from Kindergarten to Year 6, inclusive of a Support Unit. The school opened in 2013 as a result of a successful community based amalgamation between Gateshead West and Gateshead Public Schools. The new school cohort has 31% aboriginal representation with many other cultures contributing to the diverse fabric of the school community. The school has an Aboriginal Education Committee and a permanent Aboriginal Education Officer that work towards improved opportunities and outcomes for Aboriginal students. It has a caring, dedicated and professional teaching staff that bring expertise, passion and the latest in educational research to all classrooms. There is a strong commitment to learning through the collective efficacy of stage based teaching teams, progressive data analysis and whole school programming, assessment and reporting strategies.
School priorities for 2024 focus on Literacy, Numeracy, Community Engagement and Wellbeing. Early Action for Success (EAfS) is a key element of the school focusing on teacher mentorship, teaching for impact and speech therapy. The development of a comprehensive school readiness program 'Wonnai' for students coming into kindergarten has been strongly supported by the community as we work together to better prepare our students for their lifelong journey of learning. Inaugural NAPLAN results demonstrate ongoing improvement in areas of Literacy and Numeracy. Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) has been successfully embedded within the school and encompasses well-being, attendance, classroom management and commendation. A range of sporting, cultural and environmental activities ensures student participation and learning across diverse curriculum activities. Student leadership, peer support opportunities and a broad curriculum equip Wiripaang Public students with skills, knowledge and attitudes for today and future success.
There is a positive school culture and a growing level of parent and community support for, and participation in, school activities at Wiripaang Public School. We are an active member of the Waiyarang Community of Schools, working in partnership with Hunter Sports High School, Windale and Mount Hutton Public Schools. This partnership enables us to offer combined school activities to increase learning opportunities and promote success. We also benefit from close partnerships with local service clubs, businesses and Lake Macquarie Private Hospital. Parent-carer feedback, including surveys, rates satisfaction with the school as very high. Wiripaang Public School is nurturing respectful, responsible learners who are best equipped for positive contributions in our future society.